Educational Support Professional


Consistent and dependable attendance is required.


Educational Support Professionals work 6 hours per day for the school year.  The position is eligible for benefits, Town Retirement, paid holidays and paid sick time




The paraprofessional position can be physically demanding:





GENERAL DUTIES OF Instructional Educational Support Professional


Instructional Educational Support Professionals, working under the direction and supervision of a certified teacher who is responsible for the design, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of student progress and instructional programs, provides academic and/or social-emotional support for students during the day.


Support can be provided in whole class, small group, or one on one settings, in all content areas.  In addition to classroom responsibilities, Educational Support Professionals provide supervision at recess and lunch and perform other duties assigned to them.


Educational Support Professionals may engage in the following activities:




The school environment can be high-energy and moderately noisy. Before/after school, recess and field trips may require time outdoors in inclement weather.